Eas (Easy Application Script) by Molaskes

Syntax Guide:15. Variables in Strings

‌ You can cpncatenate variables into strings: "Send ";username;" a friend request" but with variables that comply to the rules for identifier names (as most variables do), there is a shorter way: "Send ;username a friend request" This also works with arrays with keys that are identifier names or natural numbers: "Also ;friends.mine.12 is my friend." For all other variables and arrays and for any other expressions, use the slightly longer concatenation syntax. You can disable the ; syntax in three ways:
"write ;";"varname instead"
"write \;varname instead"
"write ;;varname instead"
all three render the text "write ;varname instead" not replacing ;varname with anything
"Hello, ;name!"
";sts.mc messages"
"Hello, $name!"
"$sts[mc] messages"
15. Variables in Strings
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