Molaskes: Paving and Leading the Way

Essays by Molaskes:Leadership Competency Election

When persons get elected for leadership positions, such as for political offices, or as board members of companies or associations, they should be selected by their competency. All candidates should get the chance to optimally present themselves, and they should undergo a public testing routine‌ that should thoroughly reflect the following questions. The voters then answer the following questions for each candidate: 1. Does this person radiate a dignity appropriate to the office? 2. Does this person radiate the wisdom needed for the office? 3. Does this person radiate a kindness appropriate to the office? 4. Is this person charismatic and likeable? 5. Does this person show outstandiong intelligence? 6. Does this person show genuine interest in your concerns? 7. Dies this person show complete dedication? 8. Do you trust also this person's crisis competency? by marking a rating grade from 1-5: 1 = no, absolutely not‌ 2 = only a little‌ 3 = only moderately so‌ 4 = mostly yes‌ 5 = yes, absolutely‌ If the answer would be "I don't know", then one should mark either 3 or 2, as one prefers. The points are not added, instead the geometric mean is calculated, here thus the eighth root of the product of the points. This ensures that the most competent person is determined. The winner of the election is the candidate who gets the hightest geometric mean, and thus the hightest competency rating. Also the voter competency is considered, by voiding all votes and thus not using them in the calculation, where the voter has not marked exactly one of the five rading grades for each of the questions on each of the canidates. [2022-08-19]
08. Leadership Competency Election
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