Molaskes: Paving and Leading the Way

Essays by Molaskes:The Woolly Triceratops

The reconstruction of prehistoric animals is far and wide ridiculous, as the Shrink-Wrap criticism points out. If we do not apply shrink-wrap reconstruction, but try to find a realistic animal model for example for the triceratops skeleton, we can assume that the neck shield cannot have stood out of the body, or else lots of parasites would have settled under it, a severe evolutionary drawback! Instead, the neck shield will have been covered by skin and fat, to protect the withers of the animal, along with the horns, to protect it against deadly neck bites by predatory dinosaurs. Mapping a realistic (fur-covered) animal body structure over the skeleton: Woolly Triceratops 1‌ So with a fur, the animal triceratops may have in fact looked like that: Woolly Triceratops 2‌ Here is another version with a better positioning of the horns, and different fur coloring: Woolly Triceratops 3
(written 2024-06-06, images created by AI)
09. The Woolly Triceratops
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